Federal ID: 91-6001537
ISSN: 0022-1090 (Print) | 1756-6916 (Online)
In honor of Bill Sharpe’s contributions to finance, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis is pleased to present the annual William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research.
Bill Sharpe on the job at the University of Washington’s
School of Business in the early‘60s
The William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research recognizes researchers who, through their articles published in the JFQA, have most contributed to and advanced our understanding of important areas of financial economics. Nominees for the Sharpe Award are chosen by a vote of JFQA Associate Editors. The final selection is made by JFQA Managing Editors.
The Sharpe Award is intended to foster excellence in financial research. It consists of a $5,000 prize for the best article published each year in the JFQA.
The individuals and organizations listed below have contributed to support the award:
Founding Donors (gifts of $5000 or greater)
William Alberts
Litzenberger Family Foundation
Norman Metcalfe
University of Washington School of Business Administration
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
Sustaining Donors (gifts of $1000 or greater)
Jonathan Karpoff
Paul Malatesta
Tim Opler
J. Fred Weston
Contributors (gifts of $100 or greater)
Sanjai Bhagat
Stephen Brown
Mara Faccio
Wayne Ferson
Mark Grinblatt
Alan Kraus
John McConnell
Robert McDonald
Neil Pearson
Catherine Schatzel
Eduardo Schwartz
Ivo Welch