Forthcoming Articles

Debt Maturity and Investor Heterogeneity

Matthew Darst and Ehraz Refayet ♦ This paper studies how investor heterogeneity impacts equilibrium debt maturity. The optimal issuance strategy combines both long- and short-term debt. Long-term debt contains default risk, but hedges against intermediate downturns. Short-term debt provides repayment…

Valuation and Long-Term Growth Expectations

Angel Tengulov, Josef Zechner, and Jeffrey Zwiebel ♦ Long-term growth expectations are central to investment analysis and corporate valuation. Despite a dominant effect on firm value, the academic literature and practitioner conventions provide little guidance on how this long-term growth…

Predatory Lending and Hidden Risks

Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, and Douglas D. Evanoff ♦ We study a specific practice of predatory lending: borrowers being rejected and approved in rapid succession by the same lender. We show that in such cases borrower and contract…